Baby Cute baby with a smile on its face.

10 Cute 1 To 12 Month Baby Photo Ideas

There are endless possibilities when it comes to photo ideas for 1 to 12 months old babies. Even if you are new to photography, don’t be afraid to try some of our creative newborn photo ideas and poses.

Things To Consider Before The Photoshoot

Before we move forward with some amazing ideas let’s look into some steps we must take before starting the photoshoot to ensure the comfort of the baby and an efficient working environment:-

– You’ll want to ensure they’re comfortable with having their photo taken, so put them down for a nap or take them outside for a walk if possible (the weather can affect how comfortable they feel). That way, you’ll be able to capture both their sweet face and the adorable outfit they’re wearing!

– If possible, bring along toys or other props that will help bring out their personality. You could even get some of your own if you want! Take photos in natural light and make sure there’s a good amount of space around, so the baby’s face doesn’t get any shadows while you shoot!

– Decide on the best angle for the shoot, the angles you choose will determine how much space there is between the baby and the background, which in turn will affect how much light you have to work with. You can also choose different angles depending on whether you want a wide shot or a close-up.

– Point the camera towards the baby’s face using a wide-angle lens or another similar lens (e.g., a fish-eye) rather than a telephoto lens, this will give you more room for movement in your shots and make it easier for the baby to appear in focus throughout the entire photo session.

Now, let’s see some photo ideas you can try to take the perfect picture –

1. Alongside a soft toy

Cute baby with a stuffed teddy toy

This is the perfect way to capture the first birthday photoshoot. Get the baby dressed up in the best clothes and make sure the baby looks great. Also, make sure that the baby is having its favourite toy to play with while you take the photographs. They’ll love it! This photo idea is perfect for a 3-6 months old baby.

2. Looking in the upward direction

The baby is looking up with a smile on its face

Don’t distract the kids and help them in having fun. You can try to make the parents and kids play some games where they’re so focused on that far-off object, that it completely takes their mind off of the world around them. The photo idea is perfect for an 8-10 months baby.

3. Get the baby dressed up in clothes that they look pretty in 

A newborn is dressed like a butterfly

The shoot idea is perfect for a month-old baby, let them pose in their best outfit! Why not pick something cute for the little one to wear to their session? They’ll look so pretty and cute in clothes and will make you feel pretty too.

4. Eating a treat that’s too big for the baby’s mouth

Baby eating from a spoon.

A picture of a baby eating is like a snapshot of a moment. There are many photo ideas that can be captured while a baby is eating something. Some choose to capture photos of babies eating items like grapes, apples or carrots. Whatever photo idea you decide to capture, it is important to find a pose that will create an amazing image. This 1 to12 month baby photo idea is perfect for the shoot.

5. Playing with a favourite toy

 The little girl is playing with her favourite toy blocks.

A game that makes their eyes light up when they see it again after a break from playing together (like this toy train, which makes the baby smile). The beauty of this type of shot is that it captures the moment of the baby enjoying their toy. This idea is good for a 2 to 3 months old baby.

6. Baby lying beside mommy

Mommy looking at the baby lying beside her.

The photograph of a baby lying beside its mother is a symbol of love and care. The image is often used to show how close the mother and child are. It shows how important it is for parents to be there for their children. The photo idea is good for a 2-3 month old baby.

7. Baby taking a bath with mommy

 A baby taking bath with its mommy

As mommy helps baby bathe herself! You can also get creative with this one. The possibilities are endless! And if you don’t want to use water, try some water bubbles instead! It will make the picture more attractive and cute. The photo idea is good for a 10-12 month old baby.

8. Use watercolours on canvas paper so that it looks like a pool

8. Use watercolours on canvas paper so that it looks like a pool

The photography idea is a way to click this picture by creating a bathtub setup that includes bubbles and toys, or water pistols in addition to the baby’s favourite toy. You can also try using watercolour paint on canvas paper or even putting down a drop cloth on the floor so that the baby can splash around while you take pictures. This will help create an adorable photo shoot with lots of texture. The photo idea is good for an 8-12 month old baby.

9. The Traditional Photoshoot

Baby dressed in a traditional outfit.

One of the most fun types of photoshoots is capturing all the small moments of the baby’s life like their birthdays, having fun at festivals or maybe some together moments in the family. If you want to keep it simple, try using your phone’s camera as a substitute for professional equipment. You’ll still get great shots while using the phone’s camera. The photo idea is good for all age groups of babies.

10. The Surprise or Ad Hoc Photoshoot

 Baby’s candid surprised look!

On the other hand, if you want to add a little extra fun to the day, try having a surprise photo shoot with the baby. By surprise, we mean that you take a click when it’s not already all well decked up for a pose. More like a candid photoshoot. You need to be around for a while and keep an eye on the baby, and if they’re looking around or doing something really cute, capture that moment.

And don’t forget about the baby’s comfort. It’s important that the baby feels at ease and that you create a comfortable environment for them. Try bringing along some music or toys so they can relax before starting their shoot. This idea is good for the full age range of 1 to 12 month olds.


You can do the photoshoot anywhere – a park or a playground is great because it gives you lots of space and opportunities for fun poses. Give yourself some time before the photo shoot and make sure everyone knows about it ahead of time so that everyone is prepared. Let the baby have a chance to play with you, even if it’s just a little bit. Make sure they’re dressed comfortably, and that the light is good enough to see what they’re doing. And, overall, don’t forget to have fun!

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